
Lab: Training on Truenat Testing for TB

In this module, detailed explanation is provided on the use of Truenat machine. It is helpful for all cadres of health care providers working for NTEP. It broadly...

Microbiologist, Lab Technician, Medical Officer, Professor, STLS, Others
Training module on Leprosy for Medical Officer, CHO, AYUSH
CH Officer, Community Health Officer, Private Practitioner
Lab : LPA

In this module, detailed explanation is provided on the use of Line Probe Assay (LPA). It is helpful for all cadres of health care...

District TB Officer, DR-TB Coordinator, DR-TB Supervisor, Microbiologist, State TB Officer, WHO Consultant, Medical Officer, Private Practitioner, Professor, STLS
Lab : ZN Microscopy

In this module, detailed explanation is provided on the use of ZN - Microscopy. It is helpful for all cadres of health care providers...

District TB Officer, DR-TB Coordinator, DR-TB Supervisor, Microbiologist, State TB Officer, WHO Consultant, Lab Technician, Medical Officer, Private Practitioner, STLS
Lab - LED FM Microscopy

In this module, detailed explanation is provided on the use of LED - Florescent Microscopy (LED-FM). It is helpful for all cadres of...

District TB Officer, DR-TB Coordinator, DR-TB Supervisor, Microbiologist, State TB Officer, WHO Consultant, Lab Technician, Medical Officer, Private Practitioner, STLS
Pre-deployment training in Sri Amarnath Ji Yatra Medical Preparedness and Response

This module has to be undergone by all medical staff deployed for Sri Amartnath Ji Yatra. At the end, a post-test has to be undergone and scoring a minimum of 80%...

Lab: Biosafety for TB Laboratories

In this module, detailed explanation is provided on the Biosafety Measures needed for TB Laboratories. It is helpful for all cadres of...

Community Health Officer, Consultant, District TB Officer, DR-TB Coordinator, DR-TB Supervisor, HIV Supervisor, Microbiologist, State TB Officer, Lab Technician, Medical Officer, STLS, STS
Lab : Liquid Culture - Drug Susceptibility Testing

In this module, detailed explanation is provided on the use of Liquid Culture (LC) - Drug Susceptibility Testing (DST). It is helpful for...

District TB Officer, DR-TB Coordinator, DR-TB Supervisor, Microbiologist, State TB Officer, WHO Consultant, Professor, STLS
Lab: Liquid Culture

In this module, detailed explanation is provided on the use of Liquid Culture (LC). It is helpful for all cadres of health care providers...

District TB Officer, DR-TB Coordinator, DR-TB Supervisor, Microbiologist, State TB Officer, WHO Consultant, Lab Technician, Professor
Lab: CBNAAT - GeneXpert MTB RIF

In this module, detailed explanation is provided on the use of CBNAAT (GeneXpert) machine. It is helpful for all cadres of health care...

Consultant, District TB Officer, Microbiologist, State TB Officer, WHO Consultant, Lab Technician, Medical Officer, Private Practitioner, Professor, STLS
Telugu: Module for Health Volunteers and Treatment Supporters on NTEP
ANM, TB Champions, ASHA, AWW
Module on Leprosy for Health Supervisors
स्वास्थ्य पर्यवेक्षक के लिए कुष्ठ रोग पर मॉड्यूल
कुष्ठ रोगियों के लिए स्व-देखभाल पर मॉड्यूल
Leprosy overview for Frontline workers
आशा कार्यकर्ताओं के लिए कुष्ठ रोग अवलोकन
TIFA Project - Module for capacity building of field-level staff
Module on Self- care for Leprosy Patients
Training for Microbiologist on Revised Guidelines for PMDT in India 2021

This module has been designed to explain the revised guidelines for PMDT in India 2021 for Microbiologist posted at various locations. It only...

Training for Pharmacist on Revised Guidelines for PMDT in India 2021

This module has been designed to explain the revised guidelines for PMDT in India 2021 for Pharmacist posted at various locations. It only contains...

Training for DR-TB Coordinators on Revised Guidelines for PMDT in India 2021

This module has been designed to explain the revised guidelines for PMDT in India 2021 for DR-TB Coordinator posted at various locations. It only...

DR-TB Coordinator, DR-TB Supervisor, HIV Supervisor
युवाओं के लिए टीबी पर संक्षिप्त मॉड्यूल
F-IMNCI digital training package for Paediatrician/ Medical Officer

F-IMNCI digital package aims to provide essential knowledge and skills to manage children aged 1 month -5 years admitted in health facilities with common illnesses...

CH Officer, Community Health Officer, Neonatologist, Obstetricians/Gynecologists, Pediatrician, RCH Officer
Module for Youth Volunteers in Basics of TB Disease
Virtual training module on Leprosy for Lab Technicians
Lab Technician
